October 20, 2020  






The name of this organization will be Lynnfield Moms Group (LMG).   





LMG is a member led organization dedicated to:  

  • Offering age appropriate activities and outings for members and their children.  

  • Providing opportunities for mothers to meet and develop friendships with others.  

  • Providing children the opportunity to develop new friendships.  

  • Serving our community through various volunteer projects.  

  • Operating in an encouraging and positive manner at all times.  

  • Providing a community that promotes family engagement and support. 



LMG does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.   

  1. No part of LMG’s activities will consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The group will not participate or intervene in any political campaign, including the publishing or distributing of statements on behalf of any candidate for public office. 

  1. LMG provides balanced information on town happenings, including but not limited to town meetings and elections on the group’s Facebook page. LMG does not endorse on behalf of any individual advocating on either side of a town issue and would only support a group if it is advocating on an issue that specifically meets LMG's purpose as stated above. Posting in the community is a membership privilege. Page administrators reserve the right to decline or delete content that doesn’t fit with the goals of our inclusive organization.   

  1. LMG must not be organized or operated for the benefit of private interest of its executive board members, group members or affiliated persons. If LMG engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, such as an executive board member, an excise tax may be imposed on that member and or all executive board members agreeing to the transaction.  

  1. See for information on LMG’s non-solicitation policy and sponsorship guidelines.   





Our primary demographic includes parents of children in the 0-6 age group. However, parents of all aged children, including expectant mothers, are welcome to join LMG. A member is defined as one who has completed the membership form and waiver and whose annual dues have been received by the treasurer.  


Privileges of Membership  

Any member in good standing is eligible to hold office, serve as an activity group leader or committee chair, participate in group activities, meetings, programs, parties and committees. While the group’s events are centered around the town of Lynnfield, there are no geographical limits to becoming a member of LMG. Members in good standing will have access to the closed Facebook group and will receive the monthly newsletter.  



All LMG members are encouraged to volunteer a total of two hours per calendar year for one of the group’s events.  


Membership Roster and Required Sharing  

A roster of all members in good standing will be maintained. The membership roster will be maintained by the director of membership and distributed by special request to non-executive board members. The roster may be used for group business only and may not be used for commercial, business, political or religious purposes. Personal contact information will not be shared or used to disseminate non-LMG information. Misuse of the LMG roster may be cause for removal from the group. All members are required to share at least their first name, last name, and email address. For the administrative purposes of the director of membership, members must also provide a valid phone number, email address, physical address, and mailing address to LMG.   




Fiscal Year  

The fiscal year of LMG will be from January 1 to December 31.  



  1. Dues for LMG will be determined annually by the executive board by a vote at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board. Dues should be reasonable to cover the expenses of the organization, e.g. free family events, and should never be set so high as to intentionally exclude any potential members.  

  1. A one-time $25.00 joining fee will be collected via the LMG website at the time a new member joins the organization.  

  1. Thereafter, $25.00 dues will be paid by members on an annual basis. The renewal period is from January 1 through January 31. Members will receive three notices of payment during the renewal period. Membership does not auto-renew.  

  1. A member who does not pay their dues by January 31 will be removed from the group roster forfeiting membership in all LMG groups. An individual can renew at any later date in the year and at that point in time will be reinstated with full privileges. 


Waiving of Dues  

  1. No parent will be denied membership in LMG because of financial hardship. If a member cannot meet her their financial obligation to the group, they may submit a written request to the director of membership or the president for special consideration. Waived dues will be decided upon on an annual basis. 

  1. A member whose dues have been waived or reduced through action of the board will be considered a member in good standing, with all the rights and privileges thereof.  

  1. Information about which members have had their dues waived or reduced will remain confidential.  


Operating Budget  

  1. The treasurer will make available the annual LMG operating budget and financial summary on an annual basis upon request.  

  1. In instances where a LMG member funds an approved group expenditure, the treasurer will reimburse the individual within 30 days upon receipt of appropriate documentation. 




Member Events  

Events for members will be held on an ongoing basis. These may be for social and/or educational purposes and will be announced to the membership by the Board at least 10 days in advance of the meeting.  


Executive Board   

  1. Regular business meetings of the executive board will be held once a month.  

  1. Business requiring a vote may be conducted at a scheduled board meeting or voted on via e-mail or text message if an urgent vote is required prior to a board meeting.  

  1. A special business meeting may be called by the president for matters too pressing to wait for the next board meeting as long as all members have been notified either by telephone, e-mail or text in advance of the meeting.  




Definition and Duties  

  1. The governing body of LMG will be the executive board, consisting of members who are in good standing within LMG.  

  1. The executive board will coordinate the activities of the group. Any program, activity or expenditure of the group must first be reviewed and approved by the executive board.  

  1. The executive board will meet once a month, or as needed on the call of the president.  

  1. Four officers will constitute an executive board quorum with the following exception: if for any reason there are vacancies in two or more of the offices, then a quorum will be a majority of however many offices are currently filled.  


Terms of Office  

The term of each office for those that are in an officer role on the executive board will run for one calendar year, with the option to extend for a second term of one year. The terms for all other board members will run for two calendar years. 



Officers & Directors 

  1. The officers for LMG will be the president, vice president, treasurer and immediate past-president. In addition to the officers there will be at minimum directors in the following areas: membership, adult events, children’s events, sponsorship, communications, and philanthropy. All positions may be shared. Any proposal to add a new executive board position to LMG will be presented to the executive board for consideration.  

  1. Members of the executive board are required to prepare for and regularly attend meetings of the board, support LMG sponsored events and fundraising efforts, and represent LMG in the community.  



The president will be the chief volunteer officer of the group. The president will lead the executive board in performing its duties and responsibilities, including, if present, presiding at all meetings of the executive board, and will perform all other duties incident to the office or properly required by the board. In the event that the president is a shared role then the co-presidents will serve overlapping two year terms, with one co-president moving on after one year and the other co-president staying on to lead the group with a new co-president the following year. At least one co-president should be an existing board member.  


Vice President  

In the absence of a president, the vice president will perform the duties of the board president. When so acting, the vice president will have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the board president. The vice president will keep minutes of all meetings and actions of directors. The vice president will conduct an annual member satisfaction survey and report findings to the board along with recommendations for improvement of services. The vice president will also serve as the manager for the LMG website. 



The treasurer will lead oversight of the financial condition and affairs of the group. The treasurer will oversee and keep the board informed of the financial condition of the group and of audit or financial review results. In conjunction with other directors or officers, the treasurer will oversee budget preparation and will ensure that appropriate financial reports, including an account of major transactions and the financial condition of the group, are made available to the executive board on a timely basis or as may be required by the board.   


Director of Membership  

The director of membership will oversee new membership efforts including contacting new members to ensure they are welcomed and receive information, and will approve paid member requests to join the closed Facebook group. The director of membership will monitor ongoing membership needs and track membership renewals and attrition.  


Director of Adult Events   

The director of adult events will assist in the formation of activity groups, support activity group leaders, network with local businesses to plan adult events and communicate with members about upcoming events via the closed Facebook group and/or email invitation.  


Director of Children’s Events  

The director of children’s events will assist in the formation of activity groups, support activity group leaders, network with local businesses to plan children’s events and communicate with members about upcoming events via the closed Facebook group and/or email invitation.  


Director of Sponsorship   

The director of sponsorship will network with local business owners to provide opportunities to advertise services through various levels of sponsorship. The director of sponsorship will promote sponsor offers via the group’s public Facebook page and other appropriate opportunities.   


Director of Communications 

The director of communications will manage internal communications which is primarily the newsletter, the public Facebook page and closed Facebook group. In addition, the director manages external communications, including newspaper contacts, letters to new residents, etc.   


Director of Philanthropy 

The director of philanthropy will reach out to the community to find ways of giving back and supporting local causes and charities.    




Call for New Board Members  

Every other January the executive board will hold a meeting for all prospective executive board members and directorships. This meeting will be announced at least one month in advance. If more than one member is interested in a position, then an election committee will be formed and an election will be held. If only one member is interested in the position, then the executive board will present the prospective board members at the January business meeting for confirmation.  


Election Committee  

Should an election be necessary, the election committee will consist of at least three members, including at least one person not currently a board member and will be appointed by the president with the approval of the executive board. Members of the election committee may not be candidates for office. Members of the executive board who are also candidates for office may not participate in the administration of the balloting for that office.  



The election committee will conduct the election at the January business meeting. Voting will be by secret ballot and will be counted by the members of the election committee or the executive board. Candidates receiving a majority of votes cast by members in good standing present at the January business meeting will be declared elected. Proxy votes will be allowed but must be received before the January business meeting. If the slate of officers contains only one candidate for each post, then voting may be done by a show of hands. In some instances, there will be a shadow period when a new executive board member transitions into their role.  





Amendments to the bylaws may be made by a two-thirds vote of the members of the executive board present at a monthly board meeting.  Amendments will take effect as determined by the Board. A copy of the amended bylaws will be made available on the LMG website and Facebook page. Maintenance of the bylaws will be the responsibility of the executive board.  





LMG may choose to disband per majority vote of the executive board. Any monies remaining in the club will be donated to a local charity designated by the executive board.  




Parliamentary Authority  

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised will govern the LMG in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the LMG may adopt.